The Rescue Lady Crocodile

Author: Natalia Kostinskaya

Language: Ukrainian
Age range: 3 - 7 yrs
Hardcover,  46 pages
Publisher: Glowberrybooks, 2012
Size: 210 x 210 mm
ISBN: 978-966-97353-2-4

The author Natalia Kostinskaya is a doctor in homeopathy, philanthropist and grandmother. Natalia asked me to develop illustrations for the stories she told her granddaughter. Together they would dive into the world of fantastic adventures that encourage love, compassion, empathy and joy.

In a friendly setting we discussed the stories which helped me in creating watercolor drawings for the book. This book is the result of the work done is very warm creative union. Natalia and I wanted to bring a pleasant reading and drawing observation experience and promote dialogue between children and parents.
